Wednesday 29 May 2019

lucid dreaming and astral projection

Lucid Dream: We all dream, nightly, all. We may recall or not our dreams, but we already have them. A lucid dream is a dream where we are aware we are dreaming while we are dreaming. We have this realization when we notice that we are in the dream world and we are in our dream body. We can do whatever we want, as there is no repercussions or karma here. You can also use lucid dreaming to empower a specific skill of yours or try something that you are unsure about trying in waking life. In fact, some surgeons, athletes, performers, etc., use lucid dreaming to "perform in the dream first" to "practice" and then, do it in waking life. You may have or not have control of your dream body; this is up to your skill. You will fill thrilled and excited during a lucid dream, feelings of freedom and excitement (too much will wake you up) will be present, and you will have lots of fun. I actually do have a course about this at Udemy :)

Astral Projection. We also experience Astral Projections during our slumber. More during the earlier stages of deep sleep, our soul "leaves" the physical body, always connected to it through an indestructible silver cord. Most (it can be an entire lifetime for some) will not recall anything at all from their astral projections. However, they still happen. I am sure that sometimes you had an abrupt awakening where you hear a very loud (BAM!), and it seems that you hit the bed, at high speed from a very long distance. Your heart is pounding hard, and you felt like you were falling. Unless you recall a non-lucid nightmare, most likely this is because you had a violent return to your physical body while you were in your Astral Form. I want to share from here, that this is a mechanism of self-defense that we have for Astral Projection to be safe. We cannot get lost in the Astral Plane, and we cannot die either, even if you wanted, you can't. The silver cord will immediately pull the Astral Body to your Physical Body. It will happen if someone or something touches the silver cord, whether it is the astral plane or the physical body gets physically or astrally touched. We can't stop this, and this will happen whether we are conscious during our astral travel or not. 

After sharing a little about both, you might know some differences, but here are more:

Lucid Dreaming happens in our mind and the "Dream Plane" and thus, there is no karma and repercussions if you "do bad." Astral Projection happens at the Astral Plane where we navigate with our Astral Body. The Astral Plane (especially the lower astral) is very close and equal to Earth. While your "dream room" will change in many dreams, when you Astral Project you are going to see everything the same way. Time is not linear time in the Astral Plane (and it is entirely erratic in the dream plane.) So in some cases, there might be timeline anomalies (I love this word when talking of the space-time continuum.) You might see something from an older or further timeline (such an old lamp you had, or a table that you do not recognize, but love and eventually buy!) This is the real thing as you will be able to interact (to some degree) with the physical world. Such as reading something or seeing something, and then, upon ending your astral journey, being able to check against waking life that you were right accurately. Harmful intentions in this plane could either become karmic or just provide an erratic feedback (seeing something that is not real, for example, sort of misleading.) The level of bliss during astral projection is massive and much more potent than any positive feelings from a lucid dream. The afterglow from an Astral Journey is much more powerful and long-lasting than one from a lucid dream.

I want to comment on this point, as it something that I have noticed through many of my journeys. If you have some degree of worry (I wish this will last more, I want to do this, I want to do that, what if I do this), it means you are in a lucid dream. We can take goals to our lucid dreams, and during our lucid dream, we will recall our waking life during the very dream, and we will be able to reason. During a lucid dream, you may "worry" about waking up, or you want to get a particular goal done. It is all fantastic, but belonging to the dream world. Now, on the other hand, when you can exit your physical body you cease to perceive linear time. With this alone, when you are out of your body, you will not be thinking if you are going to return sooner or you will not have the needs (at an ego level like in dreams) to complete a specific task. You may have an ego-less desire to do so. When you think if you will return to your body, you will find yourself within it already, but not during the projection. During projection, nothing matters, you are in absolute bliss, and you will perceive only the here and now. Your joy will raise beyond measure. It feels like pure consciousness and many times like you do not even have a body (vs. a dream where you are aware of your body, whether it is as is or differs.)
If you are in a lucid dream and you think of your body, nothing happens, probably, or you could spawn a clone. If you think of your body during astral travel, you will find yourself within it immediately.

benefits of astral projection

Benefits of Astral Projection:
  1. Most importantly you get to know (believes are useless) that there are other realities that are not physical and that we form part of it.
  2. The knowledge that your physical body is just a vessel for the real you to be able to experience this physical dimmension/reality.
  3. Can find out with certainty that we dont only live once as a physical being but had many lifes (reincarnation is real)
  4. You can do councious regression and find out who stuff about your past lifes (i experienced my life before this one 100s of times, only thing there for me is that i lived my death 100s of times, very scary to go through but worth it!)
  5. You can get glimpses of possible future events (i had 5 events, sadly 3 of them really happened about 3-6 months later, sadly cause it was no good outcome)
  6. You can get rid of any addiction you may have in our current physical life.
  7. You get to experience obe and then you will know real death is a human physical illusion, there is no real death, so actions good and bad still counts (even more than here in earth) after your physical death, if all humans knew this (not believe but know) we would not treat other humans with such a bad manner (wars, greed, revenge and all negative will stop).
  8. You can with experience get to communicate with your family (deseased) since they are very much alive, just inhabits another part (dimmension/reality) of our universe.
  9. You get to know all humans are multidimensional beings.
There is way too many points more to add, too many, but i hope this list brings some insight.
Like the greatest minds in our society once said “there is no greater stupidity than reject a given subject without proper and serious study”, if anyone tells you with no doubt that obe are not real or its a creation of just our physical brain that person has no experience in it and he is 100% wrong, also do they think they know everything? I always turn back and say “ok u seem to know all the secrets of our universe, but you are wrong, just think of the first ever creation, planets, animals, humans, and what before that and before that and… im not religious at all, reality is much bigger and greater than both religion and science, and well try it for yourself and do not block your mind out of it, cause you can, your counsciousness will obey, so stay open minded at all times and get to see how your believes will be shaken for good, and thats good!


ASTRAL PROJECTION or A.P. is obviously and doubtlessly real and true.Everyone want to experienced it.Everyone want to know feels,how it is like to be in astral world,how it is like to float over your body far far away from your regular course,regular portion of life.
Let me give you short introduction about it. Astral projection is not an easy-peasy experience to experience .You have to spare a lot of time,practice a lot,meditate a lot,work with your chakras a lot,keep patience to experience it.Some are born with the natural habit of astral projecting.They astral project every now an then and even spontaneously but we,the ordinary fella ain’t born with this gift.We have to practice a lot in order to reach that high level. At least I had to go through a lot in order to experience astral projection.
yes there is a standard procedure.Also,there are more than one procedures starting from monroe method,rope method,hammock method to wkae induced method.
But,this one is my personal favourite → → → →
You start with relaxing your body,muscles,mind and then let go all of your thoughts.with time your mind becomes less responsive to the outside world and you enter a hallucinating state commonly known as Hypnagogic state.
With time your body becomes numb and heavy.You enter sleep paralysis.If you carry on, you enter a deeper state commonly known as pre-obe state.Sooner or later you feel your heart thumping against your chest and your body itching very badly.This sensation is intolerable and makes you move.
BUT,if you manage not move and not to think a single thing,you get deeper and vibrations catch you.First,you will feel electricity shots running all over your body. It’s not painful but a quite enjoyable state.A buzzing sound generated from your inside accompanies these vibrations.With time they increase and make you go shake as if you were in an earthquake and you start to feel yourself being lifted upwards as if someone were lifting you.You finally come out of your body.This is how ASTRAL PROJECTION is done.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Is astral projection fake?

I believe it to be real, although I've never experienced it myself.

I never gave it much thought, until my (then 7 year old) son told me something incredible one day.

A little backstory: I have always been extremely empathetic. I catch other people's feelings like most people catch a cold or germs.. I'm able to feel their feelings or vibes exactly the way they do, like, in my gut. Sometimes it's more intense than others and will leave me feeling quite drained. This is something I've dealt with since childhood, as early as I can remember. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I learned not everyone has this. When casually talking about it with a friend of mine one day, she looked utterly confused and I realized then I was different.

Aso, as a child i clearly remember telling my mother about a wonderful conversation I had just had with my grandmother. It upset her and I couldn't understand why. She forbid me from talking about anything related to that subject and dismissed what I had told her as me having an active imagination. My grandmother had passed away the year before i was born.

Realizing i was different from other people early on, i kept things to myself.

Now, many years later, I have my own children and I notice they're special in their own ways.

My daughter was 4 years old at the time. It was Christmas and we were spending it in Mexico with my inlaws. My beautiful, innocent little girl came running to me to tell me something she was obviously quite excited about. The conversation went like this:

Daughter: "mommy! Do you remember when I had a sister?"

Me: "No mama.. you have brothers silly girl!" (I'm thinking, with a half smile, this should be interesting) while trying to change the subject since the entire, super religious family was there.

Daughter: "no mommy.. not my brothers! Last time, when I had a sister!"

Me: "No my baby.. go play with the kids mama it's almost dark out then you'll have to come inside"

Daighter: Looks more serious now "Mommy! Remember? I had a sister and my old mommy with the black hair!"

By now the entire family has her attention. They look quite interested in what she's saying and I'm trying my best to divert her attention. She's not having it. She's set on telling me.

Me: "No my love, I'm your mommy!" With a smile pretending I don't already know where this conversation is heading.

Daughter: Sighs. "No, mommy. Remember? I had a sister and she was small like baby Oscar (her baby brother) and I had my old mommy with the black hair and one day I DIED AND WAS COVERED IN BLOOD"

Me: Puts my head in my hand thinking 'here we go'

The whole family immediately starts making a fuss, praying and carrying on.. My poor girl doesn't get what the big deal is. After all, she was just sharing a memory with me. We had the talk after that and I explained to her that she's special and not everyone will understand so it's best if she only shares her memories of her old life with just me. She's happy with that.

Now, onto my son.

I'm changing the sheets and blankets on his bed and we're talking about China. He's been obsessed with China since I can remember. He wants our next vacation to be there. I ask him why and he says "it's beautiful mommy! You have to see it for yourself." I look at him and say "Oh? Is that so? Tell me about it"

He proceeds to tell me of buildings and temples and the people.. so I ask "How do you know so much, son? Have you been without me?" And he replied "I go all the time! You know how you go to sleep and get out of your body and go wherever you want? As long as you come back before you wake up!"

I was kind of taken back, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't want him to feel bad or ashamed like he was doing something wrong. So I said "Oh of course! You're so lucky! I don't know how to do that, maybe you can visit some place cool and tell me all about it then?" He didn't understand that not everyone can do it. Not everyone can just go to sleep and leave their body to travel the world. And was happy that he was special in that way.

So, yes. I do believe astral projection is real. Sorry for such a long winded answer! If you've read this all the way, thanks!

Can you make yourself visible to people while astral projecting?

From what i have heard, yes. It is possible. You can create a double of yourself if you have sufficient ability. Ectoplasm solidifies the double (body). The body is virtually identical, except supposedly, cold to the touch. You don't feel the warmth a human body emits.

Why do people astral project?

Reasons why people astral project:



We all will die someday...except possibly those among us that have risen our kundalini. There's an old legend that anybody who successfully experiences The Serpent cannot, and will never, die.

I guess I'll have to wait and see. But when it comes to astral projection, the coolest part of it is knowing EXACTLY what will happen when you pass away. You'll actually experience the After-Life while still being in THIS life. This completely eliminates any fear of fatality. And it also eradicates another major fear: the fear of losing somebody you love.


One of the biggest fears and painful sadness that humans suffer, is the torture of losing somebody they love.

Nothing hurts more than the death of your spouse, or child, parents, or best friend. Well, I have news for you. Dry those tears, baby doll, because your friends are waiting right around the corner for you. They're still alive!


This if the flip-side of the coin. When you're out of body, you experience time in a different way. It's not easy to put into words, because our language is Earth-based, and relative to this world we're in. It doesn't compensate for other-wordly experiences. Suffice to say that you genuinely understand your true immortal nature when you're astral projecting. This feeling...feeling and knowing you're going to exist far beyond your puny little human empowers you and frees up your emotions more than anything.


Most people intuitively have a sense of charity, or "giving back". When you're competent at astral projection, you can choose to do "service work", or in other words, help the recently deceased to transition into the After-Life smoothly. This is for all you nurses, teachers, and care-givers out there. This job will fit you like a glove.

It's your "calling".


I know it sounds comical...really? Fairies? Isn't that the stuff of fairy tales? Where do you think we humans learned the idea of these creatures? They truly exist! They're located in an astral layer very close to our own physical world. The fairy folk are absolutely real and have their own civilization.

What we can do when astral projecting?

The astral plane is where dreams take place, so while you can create fantasies and fantastic situations just by imagining, them, I wouldn't recommend it. In the grand scheme of things it's a horrible waste of an opportunity to learn something valuable, and you're pretty likely to end up in a dream anyway.

There are two things I would consider very useful. First, and most basic, is to verify that it's real. Fly (or walk) above your house, under your couch, to someplace nearby, to your parent's house, and look for a detail that you didn't notice before, and then when you wake up, go to see if it was accurate. This can leave a strong impression, and help you convince yourself you're not crazy :)
The better thing to do, however, is to try to get spiritual knowledge and information. Ask a spiritual being to appear, or ask your divine mother or father, your inner guide, or someone like that, to teach you something. Be cautious, there are beings there that try to deceive, whereas the teaching of a divine being is profound and can stay with you for many years. Consider people's accounts of near death experiences, you could have an experience like that, something totally life-changing.

Which planet rules astral projection?

the most important planet related to Astral Projection is Ketu. Also the Atmakaraka himself is an important contributor, as Atmakaraka represents soul (Atmakaraka, in Jaimini Astrology is the planet having the highest degrees in any sign at the time of birth - siderial degrees, not tropical degrees). Also the Lord of 12th House, because 12th house represents spiritual travels.

If you want to know the best period of your life, where you are destined to have soul experiences is by checking your Atmakaraka Kendradi Graha Dasa or Atmakaraka Kendradi Rasi Dasa(Dasa is an event timing system in astrology. There are more than 42 types of Dasas in Vedic Astrology). Few other considerations also to be made such as Strength of the Ketu planet (You can check strength of a planet, by looking the number of points in the Sarva Ashtakavarga chart in the particular sign where the concerned planet is placed. If the points is more than 24, that planet is generally strong), Nakshatra Lord of which Ketu is placed, Atma karaka etc.

I can explain the principles using my own experience as an example. Even though I had numerous astral travels in my whole life, the most fruitful ones were on June 11 and June 12, 2009. At both times, my AK Kendradi Graha Dasa was running on Venus Maha Dasa -> Mercury Antar Dasa -> Rahu Pratyantar Dasa -> Rahu Sookshma Dasa -> Rahu Prana Dasa. If some of you did not understand the terminologies used, you can easily google it. There are plenty of resources available on the internet about dasas for beginners.

Now I will explain the relevance of the planets as mentioned above.

In my birthchart, Ketu the Karaka for Spiritual travel is in the 12th house, Libra, Svati Nakshatra (Arcturus Constellation). In Ashtakavarga chart, Sarva Ashtakavarga points for Libra is only 18 points, Hence Ketu is weak there. Now the next factor to be considered is the Sign Lord and Nakshatra Lord. Sign Lord of Libra is Venus and Nakshatra Lord of Svati is Rahu. In my Ashtakavarga chart, Both Venus and Rahu are strong in my Ashtakavarga chart, both with 27 points. But Rahu will be more influential to me in the matters of spirituality, because along with being the Nakshatra Lord, Rahu always have an aspect on Ketu and Libra also.

Significance of Mercury is that he is the Atmakaraka in my chart.

So I can assume, in the future, the permutations and combinations of these 4 planets will be more influential in my spiritual travels, Rahu being the predominant one !!

Also people who are more interested in activating spiritual experiences (eventhough if it is not your spiritual predominant dasa running) can check your Astrocartography map, which you can google it as “Astroclick travel”. It is a wonderful app, which depicts the places on the earth which is more influential to you regarding different matters. The places(especially if they are placed on or near the energy line vortex) would be the places where you would experience mystical experiences, such as astral travel, deja vu, past life retrogression etc the most.

I can tell my experiences on that too. My Rahu-Ketu energy line is going exactly over a place called Dammam, Saudi Arabia. I was not aware about my Astrocartography map at the time when I had chance to visit this place. Every time when I walked over the quiet streets at night, I felt very strong deja vu, not the normal sort of experience we face every time, but something that cannot be explained. Same is the case of my Venus planet line. If you have seen some repetitive dreams connecting yourself and some place which you never been there before, or if you are mystically attached to some places, which you always wanted to visit before you die, I am pretty sure that they will be somewhere in your past related to you.

You all might be thinking that what is the relation between astral travel(the question asked) and past life. If you are visiting this page, that means you are such a person , who is more interested in non-worldly affairs than worldly affairs. Have you ever thought why you were always the odd one in the group, why you are more interested in astral travels(I am referring to astral knowledge seekers, not astral sex seekers ;) ) and other metaphysical sort of things when your friends were partying, hanging out, having fun? The answer is simple, you are one of the few chosen ones. The reason why you are interested in Astral travel is that there is some pending karma left for you in your series of life times, and your soul is trying to seek help from the higher beings, because it wants to get out of this havoc world of birth and rebirth as soon as possible. This is where Past life retrogression helps you to progress in your spiritual path, because “Don't know your past, don't know your future”

More over the ultimate aim of every beings on the planet is the same, but others are not ready yet!!

Is Astral Projecting dangerous?

No, it is not.
But in some cases:
We all know astral planes are 7.
But there is a Ground plane inhabited by Lower degree malacious beings.
When our astral body comes out from our Physical body. then it starts to inhabit in the Groud plane of astral world.
Here our astral body may experience some kind of demons or wicked spirits Hidden beings(Djinns, shayateens).
They try to kick our astral body out of the astral world's Ground plane. they also want to have food from our fear. how much we fear that much energy(food) they will get. They generelly don't harm our astral body anymore.
but in some cases these beings surrounds our Astral body and never allow it to return inside physical body. During this time problem will arise in physical world. you wont be able to wake up. untill and unless they(malacious beings) allow our astral body to return into physical world.
it is not fake but a dark reality.
After death every human soul travel towards 7th astral plane in order to hear God's word. this astral world is the world of dead people not living.
we are making fool to our selves but not God.

What have you experienced during an astral projection?

During sleep, I often travel. I’ve had the experience of traveling through space—-once standing on a corner and several people came up to me, Japanese people, and asked me some questions and I answered them back in Japanese. I then took a look at myself and I was a 15-year-old Japanese girl. The recognition itself shocked me—-to realize I was her then to also realize further that I was riding her, like a hitchhiker onto her consciousness, looking through her perspective.

Over the years I’ve had more riding upon other people, even I believe upon a descendant, in the future. The nice part is that I know that while there are incidents within the future, that the world will be here, society will be here, ain’t nobody destroying nothing, no WW3. I’ve gone as far as the early 2200s. Which is why I shrug at political drama. Don’t get me wrong, there will be conflicts and shifts and changes but no wastelands, no dystopian future. It saddens me how much we focus on entertainment on desolate futures—-it’s like children constantly expressing suicidal thoughts.

The other kind of projection is The Other Place. People don’t die they go to The Other Place. They are consciously aware that it is another place and from what my mother told me about it—-when she was having strokes—-and came to me in dreams, stuck in-between here and there, is that one can consciously manipulate one’s form. My relatives often look physically different, choosing to have different bodies—-sometimes younger but I can’t see their faces. You can “feel” who people are. I think that in The Other Place that’s how we identify people by this “feeling” sense rather than visual. And they’re doing things because they can experience another life there. It’s like they’re upstairs in the house and recognize that this life experience was the basement. Several times, several relatives have communicated with me or pointed me out to one another about my consistent visitations to them. Closeness seems to work like a GPS to dead relatives so I’m always honing in on them.

These projections/travelings have a different material quality to them than dreams—-sometimes I dream wholesale plots to stories and novels and other times I’m having visions and insights to myself, to my own life, to my future. But those feel different like silk feels different than wool or plastic. Different.

What I believe or suspect or ponder is that Time is not a linear thing, it is instead like a sphere so one can go across Spacetime to another point that is both another point in Time and another point in Space. There are times when I’ve been with people, mainly my parents—-I know I have never had more time with them than they’re being dead—-they had a lot of guilt about their upbringing of me, their dysfunction—-so I tend to find these journeys upsetting—-like being hugged too long.

Yes, it is nice to know folk are okay, but other times I‘m also in realities that didn’t happen in my Prime reality but could have happened. I generally know the Alter Realities because I’m various ages that I have memories of but people places and things are in the wrong places. For instance, my parents got together had me, broke up then got back together several years later and married then broke up again. Sometimes there are realities where they are together at wrong ages for me. That’s one of the ways I can tell that it’s me who has gone to somewhere, somewhen and not a dream.

The world is never drastically different, whether the past of the present of the across or The Other—-though I’m beginning to think The Other Place lacks technology in some ways—-I never see blatant technology there though there are structures, buildings, houses, apartments, manufactured clothing. But perhaps if one could control matter, you wouldn’t need technology in the same way?

Like I said often times my dead family members are there so I’m distracted by my interactions with them so I can’t inspect The Other Place.

The other way that I operate is that if I focus on a person, people I’ve known, lovers, etc I can go to them, observe them, very hazy but be with them, know them, see some of their current experiences. Some people less than others, some people flashes. Perhaps we’re thinking of each other within a close enough time that I can bridge over? I’ve learned to make effort to communicate to them, to apologize, to curse them out, to ask them questions. Often times, similar to when my mother was hundreds of miles away in stroke-induced comas but still climbing into my dreams, they’re in almost a zombie-like state. Communication is stilted or I am the only one who is more fluid and natural. Sometimes I’ve explored sex with them or intimacy or something that is a synthesis, a sharing of the closeness of feelings that we try to do with our bodies that isn’t necessary psychically.

A couple of years ago, in Charlotte I walked into the guest bedroom I was staying in and my stepfather was crouched in the corner with a gun pointed at me. I raged at him to shoot me—-he’d been screwing up in real life, my mother was in the hospital—-I told him that I would be more powerful in death than I ever was in life. He was mortally afraid of me and I chased him out of the house. I was about to hit or shoot him and this huge fountain, half-constructed erupted between us on the house lawn. Perhaps it was my psychically deconstructing mother. Or my own sense of spiritual renewal and morality. Anywho, a month later I actually threw him out of his own house. What struck me about this was how accurate the house and surrounding front and back and side lawns were. Normally in visions things, rooms, and such get distorted.

I had done a lot of spiritual work in that house, prayers, meditations, cleaning it from top to bottom. I even recorded my mother praying with me and would play it in the house. It was a very negative energy heavy house that I think I just blasted light through. I changed curtains that they had nailed to the windows, mopped, washed, threw out extra stuff, really scrubbed it spiritually. I say this because often in my life with people places and things I sort of go in, I am catalytic to a shift, a change in the fundamental cracks I see. Then I leave. I leave people, places, and things and there’s this shift behind me. It’s happened ever since I was a child. It’s very interesting to see or have a sense of one’s effect upon the universe and it’s also a point of responsibility—-I think very deeply about what to join, who to associate with, what to do because I see repercussions and ramifications as a natural way of seeing.

I think the years and years and years of dead relatives coming to me was to prepare me for the adventure of my mother’s death where I had to cross several lines and get past my own doubts and both listen to her and take a leadership role. I would not have had the faith in spirituality to do it without those years of visitations.

I’ve been lucky to have experienced near death several times myself and several mentors have come to me after they died. But I know, barring an insane accident or placing myself in harm's way, I live a long time. I actually saw what my death would've been had I continued my job entry to the police force when I was 18, years later.

I’ve seen several iterations of my life, children, etc. based upon choices, changes.

Often religious people will say something to me and I’ll comment about the number of decades I have to live on and get stuff done. They’ll then question my knowing that and I’ll ask them: What do you talk to God about? It’s one of the first things I asked when I’ve had communions with God.

I then see the lie, the pierced truth of how many people “say” they believe in God, even go to churches but are faking it because they look at me with doubt, disbelief. If you experienced God too you wouldn’t doubt someone else experiencing God. lol

It’s that clear, it’s that matter of fact. It's not supposed to be some rolling on the ground, reverence, and moaning orgasm. It’s, for me at least, Yeah, chatted it up with God. Then I had to go on with Thursday. It cleared up some really big things and some silly little things…and then it was Thursday. lol

Oh, yeah, there’s no Heaven and Hell bullshit either that’s some man made shit. There’s the perception of good and evil but that’s something to logically look at not rule judgment with. However, there are enlightened souls and forms of various incarnations and religions just all over the Earthly joint.

easiest technique for astral travel

1. Most importantly go to sleep normally for around 4-6 hours. If you are trying to slip into SP without having slept first it is incredibly more difficult.

When you wake up, get out of bed for a minute. Go pee, read a chapter in a book, drink a little bit of water (try to avoid turning on lights or looking at back-lit screens such as computers and phones)

2. Go back to bed, get comfortable, have as few distractions as possible. If you need to move like to swallow just do it and be done with it. If something is bothering you then you are not going to be able to do this.

3. Relax, use whatever technique you like, whatever it takes to get your body into a deep calm state, if you don't know any methods I suggest the 61 point technique here: The Mad Philosopher

4. Here is the tricky part, you have to keep your mind active, but not so active that you drive away sleep. This is difficult but not anywhere near impossible and once you do it once, it is a lot easier to repeat. There are a lot of ways people have discovered to succeed at this, here are some suggestions:

a) Count to 100 and then back down to 0 as many times as it takes

b) Concentrate on just your head and everything your head is feeling

c) Try to visualize what you would be seeing if your eyes were open and the light was on in your room. Make your visualization as real as possible.

d) Repeat a phrase over and over again in your mind, it can be something like "I am dreaming" or a few lines of a poem that you like or your own birthday, whatever works for you.

Focus on ONE method per attempt, don't get bored of one and switch to another in the same night.

5. The beginning stages of SP should begin if you are doing the other steps correctly. You may feel very heavy and immobile, or you may feel like your limbs have disappeared, you may begin to feel subtle bouts of dizziness, slight tingles or maybe even uncomfortable leaden feelings in your limbs. At this point it is crucial to ignore these sensations and stick to your technique from step 4

6. This is when the fun will begin to start. If you are not sure whether or not you are in SP, then you are not.

When you finally do succeed the feeling will be unmistakable and probably a little scary. It is very important to realize that everything you feel is going to be a hallucination and not your real body. Nothing in SP can hurt you. Here are some things to expect:

a) A very fast heartbeat and muffled shallow breathing

b) A causeless feeling of fear or panic

c) Auditory hallucinations (these can range from quiet humming noises, to very loud mechanical screeching noises, to fully composed intricate musical scores, to bodiless voices chanting your name)

d) A vibration or "energy wave" that covers all or just parts of your body. This could be intense and annoying, or gentle and invigorating or anything in between.

Again NOTHING CAN HURT YOU! Backing out now would be a big waste of effort.

It is very very easy to let all of those insane feelings tear down your concentration, Use discipline and stick to your method from step 4.

7. Two things might happen here. Either you will begin to see visual hallucinations, or suddenly all your symptoms will suddenly be gone and you will be laying there awake in bed with no clue as to what you did to cause the SP to fail. If the second is true, then congratulations!!!! In all likelihood you have actually succeeded and you are really dreaming! Do a reality check to make sure, then get out of bed and enjoy your lucid dream!

If the first is true, you may see strange shapes and colors that don't make much sense at all. Some people report seeing tunnels or shifting complex geometric shapes, or simple lines and grids floating in nothingness. Your job is to look at these things passively, try not to judge them or interact with them. In a few moments a scene will form in front of your eyes and begin to play out, be patient and when it feels solid try to move into it. This is another tricky part that may require practice, but if all goes well then in a few moments you will be immersed in your ap.