Wednesday, 29 May 2019

benefits of astral projection

Benefits of Astral Projection:
  1. Most importantly you get to know (believes are useless) that there are other realities that are not physical and that we form part of it.
  2. The knowledge that your physical body is just a vessel for the real you to be able to experience this physical dimmension/reality.
  3. Can find out with certainty that we dont only live once as a physical being but had many lifes (reincarnation is real)
  4. You can do councious regression and find out who stuff about your past lifes (i experienced my life before this one 100s of times, only thing there for me is that i lived my death 100s of times, very scary to go through but worth it!)
  5. You can get glimpses of possible future events (i had 5 events, sadly 3 of them really happened about 3-6 months later, sadly cause it was no good outcome)
  6. You can get rid of any addiction you may have in our current physical life.
  7. You get to experience obe and then you will know real death is a human physical illusion, there is no real death, so actions good and bad still counts (even more than here in earth) after your physical death, if all humans knew this (not believe but know) we would not treat other humans with such a bad manner (wars, greed, revenge and all negative will stop).
  8. You can with experience get to communicate with your family (deseased) since they are very much alive, just inhabits another part (dimmension/reality) of our universe.
  9. You get to know all humans are multidimensional beings.
There is way too many points more to add, too many, but i hope this list brings some insight.
Like the greatest minds in our society once said “there is no greater stupidity than reject a given subject without proper and serious study”, if anyone tells you with no doubt that obe are not real or its a creation of just our physical brain that person has no experience in it and he is 100% wrong, also do they think they know everything? I always turn back and say “ok u seem to know all the secrets of our universe, but you are wrong, just think of the first ever creation, planets, animals, humans, and what before that and before that and… im not religious at all, reality is much bigger and greater than both religion and science, and well try it for yourself and do not block your mind out of it, cause you can, your counsciousness will obey, so stay open minded at all times and get to see how your believes will be shaken for good, and thats good!

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