Tuesday 28 May 2019

What have you experienced during an astral projection?

During sleep, I often travel. I’ve had the experience of traveling through space—-once standing on a corner and several people came up to me, Japanese people, and asked me some questions and I answered them back in Japanese. I then took a look at myself and I was a 15-year-old Japanese girl. The recognition itself shocked me—-to realize I was her then to also realize further that I was riding her, like a hitchhiker onto her consciousness, looking through her perspective.

Over the years I’ve had more riding upon other people, even I believe upon a descendant, in the future. The nice part is that I know that while there are incidents within the future, that the world will be here, society will be here, ain’t nobody destroying nothing, no WW3. I’ve gone as far as the early 2200s. Which is why I shrug at political drama. Don’t get me wrong, there will be conflicts and shifts and changes but no wastelands, no dystopian future. It saddens me how much we focus on entertainment on desolate futures—-it’s like children constantly expressing suicidal thoughts.

The other kind of projection is The Other Place. People don’t die they go to The Other Place. They are consciously aware that it is another place and from what my mother told me about it—-when she was having strokes—-and came to me in dreams, stuck in-between here and there, is that one can consciously manipulate one’s form. My relatives often look physically different, choosing to have different bodies—-sometimes younger but I can’t see their faces. You can “feel” who people are. I think that in The Other Place that’s how we identify people by this “feeling” sense rather than visual. And they’re doing things because they can experience another life there. It’s like they’re upstairs in the house and recognize that this life experience was the basement. Several times, several relatives have communicated with me or pointed me out to one another about my consistent visitations to them. Closeness seems to work like a GPS to dead relatives so I’m always honing in on them.

These projections/travelings have a different material quality to them than dreams—-sometimes I dream wholesale plots to stories and novels and other times I’m having visions and insights to myself, to my own life, to my future. But those feel different like silk feels different than wool or plastic. Different.

What I believe or suspect or ponder is that Time is not a linear thing, it is instead like a sphere so one can go across Spacetime to another point that is both another point in Time and another point in Space. There are times when I’ve been with people, mainly my parents—-I know I have never had more time with them than they’re being dead—-they had a lot of guilt about their upbringing of me, their dysfunction—-so I tend to find these journeys upsetting—-like being hugged too long.

Yes, it is nice to know folk are okay, but other times I‘m also in realities that didn’t happen in my Prime reality but could have happened. I generally know the Alter Realities because I’m various ages that I have memories of but people places and things are in the wrong places. For instance, my parents got together had me, broke up then got back together several years later and married then broke up again. Sometimes there are realities where they are together at wrong ages for me. That’s one of the ways I can tell that it’s me who has gone to somewhere, somewhen and not a dream.

The world is never drastically different, whether the past of the present of the across or The Other—-though I’m beginning to think The Other Place lacks technology in some ways—-I never see blatant technology there though there are structures, buildings, houses, apartments, manufactured clothing. But perhaps if one could control matter, you wouldn’t need technology in the same way?

Like I said often times my dead family members are there so I’m distracted by my interactions with them so I can’t inspect The Other Place.

The other way that I operate is that if I focus on a person, people I’ve known, lovers, etc I can go to them, observe them, very hazy but be with them, know them, see some of their current experiences. Some people less than others, some people flashes. Perhaps we’re thinking of each other within a close enough time that I can bridge over? I’ve learned to make effort to communicate to them, to apologize, to curse them out, to ask them questions. Often times, similar to when my mother was hundreds of miles away in stroke-induced comas but still climbing into my dreams, they’re in almost a zombie-like state. Communication is stilted or I am the only one who is more fluid and natural. Sometimes I’ve explored sex with them or intimacy or something that is a synthesis, a sharing of the closeness of feelings that we try to do with our bodies that isn’t necessary psychically.

A couple of years ago, in Charlotte I walked into the guest bedroom I was staying in and my stepfather was crouched in the corner with a gun pointed at me. I raged at him to shoot me—-he’d been screwing up in real life, my mother was in the hospital—-I told him that I would be more powerful in death than I ever was in life. He was mortally afraid of me and I chased him out of the house. I was about to hit or shoot him and this huge fountain, half-constructed erupted between us on the house lawn. Perhaps it was my psychically deconstructing mother. Or my own sense of spiritual renewal and morality. Anywho, a month later I actually threw him out of his own house. What struck me about this was how accurate the house and surrounding front and back and side lawns were. Normally in visions things, rooms, and such get distorted.

I had done a lot of spiritual work in that house, prayers, meditations, cleaning it from top to bottom. I even recorded my mother praying with me and would play it in the house. It was a very negative energy heavy house that I think I just blasted light through. I changed curtains that they had nailed to the windows, mopped, washed, threw out extra stuff, really scrubbed it spiritually. I say this because often in my life with people places and things I sort of go in, I am catalytic to a shift, a change in the fundamental cracks I see. Then I leave. I leave people, places, and things and there’s this shift behind me. It’s happened ever since I was a child. It’s very interesting to see or have a sense of one’s effect upon the universe and it’s also a point of responsibility—-I think very deeply about what to join, who to associate with, what to do because I see repercussions and ramifications as a natural way of seeing.

I think the years and years and years of dead relatives coming to me was to prepare me for the adventure of my mother’s death where I had to cross several lines and get past my own doubts and both listen to her and take a leadership role. I would not have had the faith in spirituality to do it without those years of visitations.

I’ve been lucky to have experienced near death several times myself and several mentors have come to me after they died. But I know, barring an insane accident or placing myself in harm's way, I live a long time. I actually saw what my death would've been had I continued my job entry to the police force when I was 18, years later.

I’ve seen several iterations of my life, children, etc. based upon choices, changes.

Often religious people will say something to me and I’ll comment about the number of decades I have to live on and get stuff done. They’ll then question my knowing that and I’ll ask them: What do you talk to God about? It’s one of the first things I asked when I’ve had communions with God.

I then see the lie, the pierced truth of how many people “say” they believe in God, even go to churches but are faking it because they look at me with doubt, disbelief. If you experienced God too you wouldn’t doubt someone else experiencing God. lol

It’s that clear, it’s that matter of fact. It's not supposed to be some rolling on the ground, reverence, and moaning orgasm. It’s, for me at least, Yeah, chatted it up with God. Then I had to go on with Thursday. It cleared up some really big things and some silly little things…and then it was Thursday. lol

Oh, yeah, there’s no Heaven and Hell bullshit either that’s some man made shit. There’s the perception of good and evil but that’s something to logically look at not rule judgment with. However, there are enlightened souls and forms of various incarnations and religions just all over the Earthly joint.

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